One of the easiest ways to make extra money online is with a pay per lead program. It is another form of affiliate marketing because your product in this case is the lead itself. You can make several hundred dollars every month referring people to lead capture pages and getting paid by the affiliate company when a lead is filled out. There are many good lead affiliate programs for this. I want to get your mind thinking by giving you another way to make extra money online selling leads.
If you want to step it up a notch or two consider developing leads directly for a business or an individual and by pass the affiliate program. For example, how about is partnering with a mortgage broker. Here's how you could do that.
1. Build a website and provide information on refinancing a mortgage
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2. Write and submit articles with tips on how to refinance a mortgage. Put your new website link a bio box on each article.
3. Join discussion forums where people are looking for information on mortgage re-financing
4. Do some pay per click advertising
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5. I will hyperlink the keyword phrase refinance my mortgage and put it on every page of every website you have
6. Promote your new website by email to your mailing list
7. Hyperlink your main keyword phrase on your blog
8. Start a refinance blog
9. And more.
Why would you go to the trouble to do all of this$%: MONEY! I am not talking about selling a lead for $2 or $3 dollars. I am talking about making thousands of dollars this year getting leads for your new partner. Get them the leads. They follow up with the leads. If they help someone refinance their mortgage you make a commission on the sale by getting paid from them directly.
The number one thing people use the internet for is email. The #2 thing they use the internet for is to find information. If you think about any industry that needs leads to make sales then you have an opportunity to make money getting the leads and selling them.
This could be a local business, or nationwide, or even worldwide. Besides mortgage brokers how about contractors$%: Home improvements, hvac contractors, painting contractors, basement finish, electricians, plumbers etc. How about health insurance for small businesses$%: Hook up with an insurance agent and get him leads online and sell them to him or work out a deal to get paid when he makes a sale.
Real estate agents, quitting smoking counselors or hypnotists. And on and on I could go.
You could develop a website or you could just make a capture page and promote it. This is an idea of thinking outside of the box. Get creative. There are a lot of ways to make extra money online. Partnering with someone and getting them leads is just one I came up with.